Broad Brook: Pleasant St. to Starrs Rd.
-Buildings erected in this area frequently dealt with flooding and or settling problems, due to the soft ground beneath them
-The strip mall where the old “Subway” was located experienced major damage 3-5 yrs. back (repairs were carried out) because of settling; the foundation on the east end of sunk 2-3 inches causing cracks to run in the foundation; footings for buildings were tricky to install because of Broad Brook and all the various paths it took.
-Way before my time, Saulnier’s pond (Starrs Rd. Area) was a popular place for public skating.
-Ducks frequent this area, as do deer, etc…

-Many years ago the town was responsible for its own paving; behind the old public works building they had a “crusher” that crushed the stones to make the asphalt.
-When someone yelled “Let’s go to the crusher!” it meant the area colored in yellow. [area north of Pleasant Street and between Starrs Road and Parade Street, near where the Public Works is presently (at the top of King Street)]
-The blue dotted strip running through the yellow area is just one of many sections of Broad Brook; it was a great skating area which was quite wide in places; most kids knew the areas to stay clear of due to thin ice, but breaking through the ice did happen on occasion; some areas were quite deep and respected by all; a hockey game in one of the wider areas was a common thing.
Horse Pond
-Between Pleasant Street and Marsha Avenue near King Street
-No one I’ve spoken with knows where it got its name
-Shallow swampy area, maybe knee deep
-Part of the Broad Brook flood plain
-Would freeze and allow a bit of skating with clumps of grass growing up through the ice here and there; safer for the smaller kids in the neighborhood
-Most residences (Marsha Ave., King St. and Pleasant St.) that back yards abutted the “Horse Pond” had wet, mushy lawns
-Deer still can be spotted here at times and musk rats aren’t unusual
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