On this wet day we worked at school on planning our presentation for various local businesses. We identified 3 key areas that need to be spoken about.
1. Data: Our research shows that levels of pH and brook temperatures are acceptable for fish and other aquatic wildlife. There was however problems that appeared on the weekend. There is also scum at some places that perhaps indicate high levels of phosphates or nitrates that we will have to do further testing on. We will need to purchase a testing kit to check it out and get water samples. We also want to test for dissolve oxygen.
2. Garbage: Pollution from the various businesses is affecting the ecosystem. We will show its affect on flora (plants) and fauna (animals). We can also show from the historical data we've collected that some animals, such as turtles, that use to be at the brook are no longer there. Garbage also makes a store look bad; it's bad for their image. We would like to be able to report that our local businesses are good corporate citizens, especially when it comes to our precious watershed.
3. Cooperation: We want to encourage them to discontinue the use of plastic bags. We would also appreciate their support. They could help supply equipment that we need to continue our work. We can show our appreciation through a thank-you notice in the Vanguard.
Next we need to get our presentation ready. We asked Superstore to call us about using their meeting room, but they haven't got back to us.